


Sapio Life is the Sapio Group’s company specialized in care services, integrated homecare support and hospital services. Set up in 1989, Sapio Life caters to private individuals with technologies, aids, home therapies and integrated homecare services and to hospitals through the highly qualified supply of gases and connected technologies.

Sapio Life is based on the value of care for the person and not only the disease. This is the fundamental pillar on which the company has developed a flexible and integrated system of homecare services and technologies, to guarantee the continuity of care between hospital, family and territory and, at the same time, the best quality of life for the patient and those close to them.
This is what Sapio Life defines as “Home care, human cure” and it represents the care of the individual as a whole from the physical, human and psychological point of view. The company places the patient and their family at the centre of a homecare support program based on their medical requirements and personal needs. The patient feels not only cared for, but also more serene and less lonely, whilst the caregivers are previded with greater support in their daily work.

Moreover Sapio Life has been able to implement the Group’s experience in the medical gas sector to become the strategic partner of health authorities, hospitals, laboratories, public and private laboratories and research centres, bringing together world class expertise and professionalism.

Over 100 years the Gruppo Sapio , has been able to establish itself as the reference point for the production of gases and, at the same time, to continue to strengthen its international competitiveness by diversifying its activities and services with expertise efficiency and reliability.


Sapio Life is the reference point to support patients affected by conditions that require homecare support, therapies and/or monitoring witha flexible and custom medical and approach.



Sapio Life’s Integrated Homecare Support guarantees every patient a custom healthcare program including nursing, medical-specialist services, rehabiliation, social care and psychological and educational support.



Sapio Life guarantees a Global Service approach for hospitals to which it supplies gases, services, equipment and consumables, construction of distribution systems, laboratories, cryobiology services and hyperbaric services.



We want to be the top-class partner of health authorities and the reference point for patients requiring homecare support.The quality of our services is the result of the Group’s experience, of the best technologies applied and of the principles that guide Sapio Life’s operations: the attention to the specific needs of the people, the indepth knowledge of homecare needs and the ability to grasp changes and the new needs of the system in order to develop innovative solutions accordingly.Through these inspiring principles we are able to work side by side with health authorities to ensure the continuity of the support between hospitals and the territory, which is the overriding objective of the more advanced health systems and for the wellness of the entire community.
Sapio Life guarantees the national health system and private citizens a flexible and integrated patient management system, through post-acute care at home, with a custom, effective and sustainable medical and social care approach.
Human capital is the engine, resource and soul of Sapio Life. The people who work at Sapio Life dedicate their expertise, commitment and experience in meeting the customer’s requirements and in selecting efficient organizational technologies and solutions. Not only, working in such a delicate and fundamental sector such as healthcare and the provision of support and services for patients, they develop a sensibility and empathy that are specific and fundamental for the relationship with patients.Sapio Life has constantly invested in the professionalism of its employees and collaborators, with constant training programs to keep personnel up to date both with technologies and applications and the skills required to listen and provide support for patients.


Through a network of integrated companies that work together in synergy, Sapio Life offers a complete care, support and monitoring system.


Life Cure is the company specialized in integrated homecare support services, including nursing, medical-specialist services, rehabiliation, psychological and educational support, for people who are not self-sufficient or frail and their families.


A line of special communicators able to provide a wide portfolio of products and services for therapeutic aids and alternative and augmentative communication.



The Sapio Life service dedicated to sleep disorders. Aimed at adults and paediatric patients, it allows polysomnography exams to be carried out at home.


pazienti is the platform that promotes reliable medical and scientific information and innovative services, custom made for patients and specialists. Users can access the profiles of thousands of doctors, consult the medical dictionary, the answers of specialists as well as discover and book video consultations directly from the website.


BioRep is the first Biological Resources Centre that can provide public and private research institutions (hospitals, universities, clinics), and biotech and pharmaceutical companies, with laboratory, transport, processing, cryoconservation and distribution services for biological material. BioRep works closely with Sapio Life to guarantee a complete range of services for the medical sector.


sistemi iperbarici

Sistemi Iperbarici creates and manages state of the art centres for hyperbaric oxygen therapy and supplies hyperbaric chambers and systems, gas and fire-prevention systems, control systems, specialised equipment, furniture and whatever else may be necessary.



Sapio Life, as a company of the Sapio Group, pursues the same sustainability goals which are the fundamental elements underpinning every action, investment and relationship. The Group’s path towards sustainability follows the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations: signed in 2015 by 150 countries, the program contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Agenda includes all social, environmental and economic aspects necesary for a sustainable growth for future generations. The Sapio Group has already implemented the indications of the Agenda and has divided its sustainability plan in three macro areas of intervention: CARE, PROTECT and DEVELOP.


CARE Taking Care

The satisfaction of the customers and the patients is a priority for Sapio and it is constantly monitored through the key performance indicators (“KPIs”), in order to guarantee the quality of the services. The guidelines for the management of the services for the patients are defined with the customers when the contract is drawn up and when the single service is activated and are specific for each customer and patient. The service is therefore formulated and guided by safety logics for the patient and to ensure the continuity and compliance of the therapy to the medical indications.


PROTECT Protecting the Environment

Being part of the Sapio Group, for which sustainability is one of the company's pillars, Sapio Life is committed to preserving the use of natural resources, limiting the ecological footprint, implementing alternative solutions and helping customers and patients to follow the same direction.


DEVELOP Promoting the growth of the Employees

Employees are at the core of every company strategy. Their wellbeing is the priority of the Group's policies, as well as of Sapio Life, which is committed to not only attracting, but also keeping, the best talents. Continuous training is therefore an essential element. Every year Sapio Life creates specific training plan to promote the professional growth of every member of the company.


Sapio Life places ethical principles and fundamental rules at the heart of its commitment so that every activity and relation is underpinned by safety, quality, expertise, sustainability and reliability.

Safety is the fundamental and necessary condition that Sapio Life is committed to guaranteeing to all its collaborators and everyone who uses its products and services, through continuous training, information and prevention activities.

Quality for Sapio Life means being at the service of customers and patients and providing excellent products and services that ensure the health, wellbeing and serenity of day to day life. Every company resource (human, technological and productive) is focused on this approach, to ensure quality and continuous improvement. Sapio Life’s customers can count on a network of plants, branches and sales points that guarantee an efficient and punctual service in Italy and abroad.

Sapio Life has constantly invested in the development of a sustainable business for the environment, minimising the impact of every activity and process, using natural resources and energy efficiently and reducing emissions and waste.

The international certifications achieved confirm the expertise, reliability and excellence of Sapio Life’s products and services.

Download the SQA document


UNI EN ISO 14001-2015

UNI EN ISO 45001.2023

UNI EN ISO 9001.2015

UNI EN ISO 13485.2021

Sapio Life is an ethical company. The ethical code implemented by the Sapio Group guides every choice, action and relationship, in compliance with principles of legality, transparency, ethics and respect, and with the utmost coherence with the company values.
Sapio Life operates with the goal of creating value for the customers, patients, suppliers, workers and the community, proactively committing itselt to respect and safeguard the environmental resources.

Download and read the Sapio Group’s Ethical Code


Sapio Life complies with the antitrust policy (articles 101 and ff. of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; in Italy Law 10 October 1990 No. 287) and it has developed a suitable compliance.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the compliance, Sapio has set up autonomous bodies for the implementation and verification of the compliance. Anyone can report violations or alleged violations of the antitrust policy to the bodies by writing to

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Numero Verde 800 007 335 Attivo 8-17 lun-ven