
The vision oriented towards a sustainable future necessarily revolves around integrity as the key to development. The ethical code adopted by the Sapio Group guides every choice, action, and relationship according to the principles of legality, transparency, ethics, and respect, in utmost alignment with the company’s values. Sapio operates with the goal of creating value for customers, suppliers, employees, and the community, actively committing to the preservation and protection of environmental resources.

The Sapio Group is aware of the importance for society and the social significance of its activities and is inspired by the ethical principles outlined in its own Ethical Code, compliance with which is required of all involved parties.

The Sapio Group firmly believes that adherence to ethical principles is an indispensable requirement for sustainable growth, considering its image and reputation as values that must be safeguarded and developed as a common asset through the widespread, shared, and observed dissemination of the ethical principles and behaviors contained in the Ethical Code.

The organizational, management, and control model, adopted in accordance with Legislative Decree 231 of 2001, integrates the Ethical Code and serves as an operational tool for implementing the principles outlined therein.

Ethical Code of Conduct of the SAPIO Group

The Ethical Code of the SAPIO Group defines the values upon which the activities of all the Group’s companies are based and the behaviors to which all employees and collaborators must adhere in order to meet the expectations of their stakeholders.

Ethical Code

Organization, Management, and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01

Following the entry into force of Legislative Decree 231/01, SAPIO has prepared and adopted a Management, Organization, and Control Model available at the following link:

Download and read the MOG

Communications to the Supervisory Body, different from those relevant to whistleblowing regulations, for which it is mandatory to use the dedicated computer platform, must be sent to the following email address:


Following the entry into force of Legislative Decree 24/2023 of March 10, 2023, implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 concerning the protection of individuals who report breaches of Union law and national regulatory provisions, the Company has adopted the following internal channel for making reports.

Legality Whistleblowing Platform


The Sapio Group acknowledges that the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data is a fundamental right. The Sapio Group has always operated with a strong awareness of the centrality of personal data protection, and through its own privacy organizational model (MOP), it discloses the Group’s approach to the protection of personal data for all those who, in various capacities, provide their data to, and/or whose processing is an integral part of the Group’s activities. Sapio has adopted its own privacy organizational model, which can be requested at the following email address:

Anti-Corruption Policy

Sapio Life has started the ISO37001:2026 Voluntary Certification process – Anti-corruption Management System, formalizing the company’s desire to adopt a strong policy against all forms of corruption, involving all those who collaborate with Sapio LIfe, in any capacity. That is, employees at all levels, managers, members of the Board of Directors, partners in business groups, partners in general, subcontractors, suppliers, professional firms, the board of auditors, auditors, freelancers or any other individual associated with the agency. Everyone is asked to make the same commitment to defending Sapio Life’s reputation and keeping corruption out of the company environment.

Anti-Corruption Policy Document


Sapio Life complies with the regulations related to antitrust (Articles 101 and subsequent of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; at the national level, Law No. 287 of October 10, 1990) and has developed suitable compliance measures.

In order to monitor the effectiveness of compliance, Sapio has established independent bodies for the implementation and verification of compliance, to which anyone can report violations or suspected violations of antitrust regulations by sending a communication to the following email address:

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